Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Righteousness or Peace

I worked at natural history museum today and there was a quote carved in the wall by Teddy Roosevelt. He asks the question

If you had to choose between righteousness or peace, what would you choose?

I found the question interesting. And would like to hear your thoughts.


  1. Well i choose righteousness. But i think that the quote presents a false dilemma. Ideally everyone chooses righteousness and therefore there is no question because choosing righteousness is choosing peace.

  2. you maybe right. But i don't think the quote assumes if one chooses righteousness that they are choosing peace. I think what it really is saying if you had to choose between LIBERTY or peace what would you choose. Or maybe that is how I read it. And I think most people would choose LIBERTY, but in reality I think most people have picked peace instead. Or maybe they are not even picking and that is where apathy comes in.

  3. i read it to say, would you chose going to war to protect the right thing or peace for the sake of peace which will allow those who do evil to continue doing it (i.e. the appeasement of hitler).

    that is where i see a false dilemma. it assumes that we are at the point where it is either peace or a righteous war. there are often other options than battle and definitely things that can be done before war if if it is ultimately necessary. i think you're right about people choosing peace, sometimes it is out of laziness or apathy but who knows.
