Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sarah Palin

I have to say this, I'm really enjoying watching all the "experts" on TV and in the paper trying to figure out why she left. They have no idea and it just shows you how stupid their jobs are.

I also find this disheartening. Today everyone in the news is going to be covering Michael Jackson, while in China there are the biggest protest in 20 years. Isn't that a huge topic! Iran's protests had a few people arrested (I'm sure more), but China has arrested almost 1,500 people (which means more). That is huge! The media once again has failed us.

sorry for the rants


  1. i will have to disagree with you here. Michael Jackson's death is not something so trivial as to be ignored by the media. Now if CSPAN was covering his funeral i think that would raise some concern. Or if there was no mention of of the Chinese protests that would be a problem too. But i was listening to the radio this morning and there is not a lot that the journalists in China can do. The government has them corralled. The NPR journalist who was reporting strayed from the group and was then arrested and questioned.

  2. that makes sense about the low coverage in china.
